
Hide sections

Edit course sections

You can add course sections ➕add, 📝edit and also again 🗑delete.

1. Turn on editing

2. Click on „Edit“ in the desired section on the right.

3. you can now change the following items:

Move course sections

1. Turn on editing
2. To drag and drop point to the control cross icon () to the left of the section name.
Hold down the mouse cursor and drag the section to the desired location.

Add course section

To add a new course section, scroll down to the bottom of your course page. Then click on „Add Topics“

You can select one or more new sections:

The new section has been added to the course page at the bottom. You have the option to edit the name with the pencil and can move the section further up if needed.

Hide Course Sections

1. Turn on editing
2. click on „Edit“ in the desired section on the right.
3. click on hide section

Delete course sections

1. Turn on editing
2. click on „Edit“ in the desired section on the right.
3. click on delete section