

Participants can enrol themselves if you enable self-enrolment (you can set a password, called „enrolment key“ in Moodle).
Activate the enrolment method „Self enrolment“.

Set up student self-enrolment

  1. Select „Participants“ in the menu bar. You will see the list of participants for this course room.
  2. In the drop down menu select „Enrolment Methods“. You should now see the enrolment methods. In the manual enrolment method you yourself are already enrolled as a „teacher“.

Schnelles freischalten mit dem Augensymbol

In the line „Self-enrolment (student)“ the eye symbol is crossed out.
Click on the eye symbol to activate self-enrolment.

Self-enrolment with enrolment key

In the line „Self-enrolment (Student)“, click on the cogwheel symbol on the far right to edit the settings.

Further options

Changes will only take effect if you click „Save changes“ at the bottom of the page.