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en:moodle:activities:externaltool:start [2023/11/08 10:40] maziyaren:moodle:activities:externaltool:start [2024/03/25 13:59] (current) – [External Tool] maziyar
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 The "**External tool**" activity makes it possible to use LTI-compliant learning materials and activities on other websites from within Moodle. \\ The "**External tool**" activity makes it possible to use LTI-compliant learning materials and activities on other websites from within Moodle. \\
-For example, a scheduled meeting with the communication software [[|Cisco Webex]] can be included as an external tool [[en:webconference:webex:start|in your moodle course]].+For example, a scheduled meeting with the communication software [[|Cisco Webex]] can be included as an external tool [[en:webconference:webex:start|in your Moodle course]].
en/moodle/activities/externaltool/start.1699436433.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/08 10:40 by maziyar