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Note: Before electronic examinations, students must be informed that they may only participate from a desktop PC or notebook. There may be problems submitting files via the app!

Quizzes in Moodle support the self-learning phase of students. Various question types are possible:

  • Single and multiple choice questions
  • Fill in the blanks
  • Drag-and-drop tasks
  • Questions that require calculated answers

Students can receive immediate feedback in quiz mode or receive a later evaluation in exam mode.

Quizzes are set up in two steps::

Set up and configure quizzes

  1. In edit mode: “Add an activity or resource” and add a “Quiz”.
  2. Configure the “Quiz” activity.

Depending on the planned setting (from self-test to e-test), very different settings are possible. The settings for a simple self-learning test are described below; unless otherwise described, the default settings are used.

  • Name (mandatory field): Enter name, appears on the course page.
  • Description: Enter information for students, e.g. what type of test scenario is involved.
  • Timing: No changes (without time limit).
  • Grade: No changes (best attempt will be scored).
  • Layout: No changes (students may move freely between questions).
  • Question behavior: Formative self-monitoring; Students can have their answers checked immediately and receive feedback on their answers. The questions can be answered multiple times:
  1. Question behavior: “Interactive with multiple tries
  2. Allow redo within an attempt: “Yes, provide the option to try another question
  3. Each attempt builds on the last: “Yes
  • Review options: Check all boxes except for “Right answer”.
  • Overall feedback: After answering all questions, feedback on the test as a whole can be stored depending on the score achieved.

Save settings with “Save and display”. Test questions can then be created.

Further materials on tests

For more information on configuring test scenarios and details on the available question types, see the general Moodle documentation:

Moodle support offers workshops on this topic on request, please contact us!

Create questions with AI

Generative AI programs such as ChatGPT can help you design the content of questions and also create an importable file (Aiken or GIFT). A description can be found in the freely available “Moodle Academy“course Moodle Teaching with AI.

en/moodle/tests/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/11 17:45 by maziyar