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Deployment scenario: Create and use digital pinboards
Term: Annual extension
License: Members of the Jade University
Contact: Ulrike Eichenauer

TaskCards is an online platform allowing teachers and students to work collaboratively.

They can create pinboards and publish the so-called TaskCards on those pinboards. A TaskCard can contain texts, images, links and various file attachments. The pinboards are private or can be made public via a link.

The TaskCards platform is developed and maintained by dSign Systems GmbH, Germany. The servers are located exclusively in Germany. TaskCards is compliant to the GDPR.

Get Access

Jade University of Applied Sciences has purchased a limited number of licences for teaching purposes. Request your licence by sending an email to digitale-lehre [at]

Then you can log on to TaskCards at

Manual and Support

This page is under construction.


If you have any questions about TaskCards, please contact digitale-lehre [at]

en/tools/taskcards/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/25 16:53 by maziyar