Table of Contents
Web conference
Web conferences are communication systems used to hold web-based meetings and events (including exams).
Participants at different locations communicate with each other or listen in. Video images can be transmitted via webcam. Lecturers show presentations or screen contents. Participants and guests can speak or chat.
Video conferences use special transmission systems, but can usually also be achieved web-based. The possibilities in detail depend on the conference system and how organisers have set up a web or video conference.
Video conferences with Zoom
For teaching we recommend Zoom, inserted as an activity in a Moodle course room. Students can participate via Moodle without registering for Zoom.
Meeting with Webex
Jade University staff can use Cisco Webex for meetings and sessions.
- Using Webex (HRZ-Wiki)
Alternative Systems
For colloquia, appointment committees and meetings with special data protection requirements, we recommend using DFNconf.
- A video conference with the DFNconf service can be set up via the Veranstalterportal eingerichtet werden.
- more details Videokonferenzen mit DFNconf (“Pexip”)
Recordings of web conferences >256 MB
You can upload larger videos to the Collaboration Cloud of Jade University of Applied Sciences and then make them available via a link in Moodle. Please delete large videos when they are no longer needed.