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The Jade University of Applied Sciences provides Opencast for recording, creating and delivering audiovisual learning content.

You can use Opencast to provide videos for teaching at Jade University. Organizational units can also use it for video tutorials.

  • The upload limit per file in Moodle no longer applies
  • Hosting on servers in Germany

Notes on using

For good image and sound quality, videos should be uploaded in high quality, as Opencast automatically transforms them into delivery formats.

Providing videos in Moodle

You can find out how to make videos available in Moodle in the wiki section on Opencast.

Embed videos on a website

Use Opencast to upload videos and then make them available.

  1. Have yourself activated: Email to Moodle support.
  2. You will receive access to the Opencast portal and can upload and provide videos directly.

Please contact Moodle support if you have any further questions.

en/video/hosting/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/09 18:51 by maziyar