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Course overview

The “Course overview” block shows courses in which you are enrolled (e.g. in the “Teacher” role or as a participant (“Student” role)). You can customize the “Course overview” display by setting a filter.

In progress, Future or Past courses

  • Courses that have not yet been completed and for which the current date is after the course start date and before the course completion date or which have no course end date are displayed under “In progress”. This list of current courses is identical to the list of courses displayed in the navigation menu.
  • Courses whose course start date is in the future are displayed under “Future”.
  • Courses whose course end date or course completion date is in the past are displayed under “Past”.

Courses that are favorites always appear first in every filter.

en/moodle/navigation/overview/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/30 14:31 by maziyar