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Moodle Overview

Moodle is used as a learning platform at the Jade University of Applied Sciences for the organizational and didactic support of studies and teaching. Teachers can support students in working out the contents of classroom teaching individually or jointly, independent of time and place. Students can prepare for exams or be tested and exchange information with teachers and other students.

Departments and central units decide independently on their organization of the university-wide Moodle. If necessary, please contact your respective E-Learning Officer for information on how to proceed in your area.


The next training dates 📆 can be found on the "Extra course offer for employees" page under the heading “Digital skills”.

  • Moodle - the introduction
  • Moodle deepening
  • Tests
  • Video conferencing with Zoom

You are welcome to contact us for further topics and dates.

Video Tutorials

LinkedIn Learning (formerly is licensed for members of Jade HS. The Login is done with the Jade HS email address note on login process.

en/moodle/overview/start.1698139742.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/24 11:29 by helmke