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List of participants

Show the list of participants (teachers)

This displays a list of all participants:
In the course room in the course navigation click on “Participants”.
You will see the list of students and teachers enrolled in the course room (see also Roles). You can see if someone belongs to a “Group”. The “Status” indicates whether the enrollment is still valid: “Active” or has already expired: “Inactive”.

The list of participants can be filtered. Some possible filters are “Keyword” (a name), “Roles” (e.g. “Student” or “Teacher”) or the “Group”.
Individual filters can be combined with a logical AND or OR operation.

Example: This search finds all participants in “Group A” named “Meyer”.

Show the list of participants (students)

Students see fewer columns in the participation list: Last name, first name, roles, groups if applicable.

Download a list of participants

A list of all participants can be downloaded as an Excel or OpenOffice file, for example. The list contains a column with the “ID number”, which is the matriculation number.

  1. Select all (or the desired) participants in the participant overview (by activating the checkbox).
  2. At the bottom of the page “With selected users…” select “Download table data as” the desired format.

Participant list with group membership

You can download a list of participants with details of the groups after grouping them by the activity “Group Choice”, e.g. as an Excel file.

  1. From the dropdown menu select under “Groups” the “Overview”.
  2. Choose the desired “Group” e.g. “Group A”.
  3. Click on “Download” in desired format e.g. “Microsoft Exel”.
en/moodle/user/list/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/03 13:43 by maziyar