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Matriculation number

Users with the role “Teacher” (and only these) see the student number in the “Participants list”, in the activity “Assignment”, in export files of “Group choice” and “Choice” (since 1.2.2023). This allows students to be clearly identified by lecturers and makes it easier to assign assessments and submissions.

As personal information, the matriculation number is subject to data protection regulations. However, the display of the matriculation number in Moodle is justified by the performance of teaching activities. It is used in consultation with the data protection officers and data protection management.

Due to the special protection of the matriculation number, it is necessary to restrict the “Teacher” role to people who are active in teaching. Therefore, the “Teacher” roles will only be assigned via Moodles Support. An informal email to moodlesupport [at] is sufficient.

All teachers keep their “Teacher” role, you do not have to do anything.

In new courses, you automatically receive the “Teacher” role. If you would like to make colleagues in your courses a teacher, you must notify us. Students are no longer assigned this role.

There is an alternative for students who want to work on a course. With the role “Student Tutor”, assistants can supervise and edit a course. The role has the same rights as the “Teacher” role, but without access to the student number. (The only exception: it is not possible to export results lists with personal data, e.g. assessments or group selection).

en/moodle/user/matriculation/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/25 12:41 by maziyar