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Mark Moodle courses for deletion

Moodle courses can be marked for deletion.

Courses whose names are followed by three “xxx” are regularly deleted from the system. The course backups are also deleted.

If necessary, please save work results and submissions beforehand: Save course content.

  1. Hide your course first, it will then only be visible to registered “Teachers” and managers (see “Course visibility”).
  2. Add the character string “xxx” to the course name, e.g. “xxx_Kursname WiSe23/Dozent_in”.
  3. Save the change.

Deletion of courses for electronic exams

Moodle courses for electronic examinations or assignments are stored for three years. Examination results are to be saved externally immediately afterwards by the examiners (handed over to the examination office).

  • Files or texts uploaded by students in “Assignments” (“Download all submissions”, ZIP file)
  • Answers in tests (“Archive” and print as PDF)
  • Courses remain in place for an additional 3 years (“Visibility: hide!”)

Examination results must be saved directly afterwards by the examiners and stored externally (handed over to the examination office).

After three years, Moodle courses that were explicitly created for electronic examinations will be deleted by the “Teaching and Learning Systems Service” (Moodle Support).

The Teaching and Learning Systems Service will continue to create Moodle courses as templates for electronic examinations or online coursework on request. Please contact us (

I have deleted my course, what now?

The course is not deleted, you are probably just no longer registered or inactive, so you no longer see the course on your personal Dashboard.

Please contact us, we will help you.

en/moodle/course/delete/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/12 14:57 by maziyar