Translations of this page:

User Tools

Site Tools


Your profile and settings

Edit profile

You can complete your personal profile in Moodle and make settings (language, forums, etc.).

  1. Log in your Moodle account.
  2. Click on the profile picture at the top right and select “Profile”,
  3. Click on the text link “Edit profile” under “User details”.

You can then edit the following items in the profile overview:

  • General
    • Last name
    • First name
    • Email address
    • Email visibility
    • MoodleNet profile ID
    • Residence information, Timezone
    • Description (you can insert any text here)

You can enter personal details and contact information in the description that you want others to see in your Moodle profile.

  • User picture (here you can upload a profile picture, permitted file formats are .gif / .jpe / .jpeg / .jpg / .png, a meaningful image description increases accessibility)
  • Additional names (if needed)
  • Interests (keywords / tags can be selected and assigned here)
  • Optional (currently only the telephone number for “Teacher” is displayed in the participation list)
  • Additional profile settings (here you can enter your title)

Edit settings

  1. Log in your Moodle account.
  2. Click on the profile picture at the top right and select “Preferences”.
  • Edit profile (see above)
  • Preferred language (German / English / Spanish / French / Chinese)
  • Forum preferences
    • Email digest type (single / daily e-mail with all posts or only topics)
    • Forum auto-subscribe (if a post has been made or never subscribe)
    • Use experimental nested discussion view (Yes / No)
    • Forum tracking
      • Forum tracking (highlight new posts in color or not)
      • When sending forum post notifications (mark post as read/not read)
  • Editor preferences (Default / Atto (recommended) / Tiny MCE / Plain text)
  • Content bank preferences (affects the display of the activity selection)
  • Calendar preferences (Time display format / Start day of week / Number of upcoming events / Remember filter settings)
  • Security keys (for RSS feeds)
  • Message preferences (Privacy settings / Notification preferences)
  • Notification preferences (activate / deactivate individually)
en/moodle/course/profile/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/26 14:29 by maziyar