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Semester change

Teachers have two options at the start of the new semester: They can either continue to use their Moodle course room or prepare a new course room.
Elements from the previous course room can be imported into the new course room.

Variant 1: Continue using the course

Do you want to continue using your course room largely as it is? Save the students' work results in a decentralized location beforehand, if required. The students are removed from the course room. Then the “Reset” function is right for you.

  1. Save work results of students, if required,

Removes users with their data (test and voting results, submissions, forum / wiki / glossary contributions, save beforehand if necessary) from the course room.

Variant 2: Request a new course room

The existing course room should continue to be available to students. You therefore request a new course room. You can import the previous content into the new course and revise it.

  • Request a course room in Moodle (after login).
  • Optional: Import content from previous course.
  • Optional: Hide old course room: Course settings > Course visibility > “Visible” option set to “Hide”.
  • Optional: Mark for deletion: Prefix the course room name with XXX: “XXX lecture SoSe23/lector”.
en/moodle/course/semester/start.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/26 15:32 by maziyar