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Log out of course room

In the ๐Ÿ‘ฅ participant list, several participants can be edited at the same time.
You can remove several participants from the course in one step, for example.

If you want to continue using the course in the next semester, it is better to remove students using the โ€œReset courseโ€ function (this removes user-related data in the course, such as submissions).

1. Select โ€œParticipantsโ€ in the navigation to display the โ€œEnrolled usersโ€ list.
2. Select all affected participants.
3. Choose the desired action, e.g. remove a participant from the course room: โ€œDelete selected user enrolmentsโ€.

In the next step, you must confirm the deletion of the selected participants again. Participants who were enrolled using a different enrolment method than the one selected for deletion will be removed from the selection.

Students or participants can also unsubscribe from a Moodle course.


en/moodle/course/leave/start.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/05/28 14:48 by maziyar